Results of examination in Validate view

The Validate →view displays errors, warnings or information that are reported when validating an object. Messages of particular interests are the ones that rules have been violated or warnings have been suppressed.

The Validate view is automatically visible, if you select the command Validate Object. A view is only valid for the object for which the command has been selected – this is indicated by the object name within the title.

In this article:

MRC-report for validation

For each executed validation, a report is generated with the file extension .mrclog (short: MRC-report) and it is displayed in the project explorer. This MRC-report can also be used to see which rules have been checked for the validation, whether rules have been violated and/or whether warnings have been suppressed.
The name and the location of the generated MRC-report depends on the fact for which object the validation has been started:

Validation started for

Name of MRC-report

Location of filed MRC-report



project folder



parallel to the folder

element (such as POU or interface) within ST-object


parallel to the ST-object

POU within FBD-object


parallel to the FBD-object

resource within PLC-object


parallel to the PLC-object

library (included in a library configuration)


parallel to the library configuration

Observe the following:

  • If you start the validation repeatedly for the same object, the older MRC-reports are automatically overwritten.

  • Do not edit a MRC-report created by Neuron Power Engineer (e.g. within a text editor). If you do, the edited MRC-reports become invalid and cannnot be processed by Neuron Power Engineer.

  • You are able to load an already existing MRC-report into the Validate view.

Columns in view

The following columns are visible within the view Validate:

  • Column Description displays an icon indicating the type and the actual text of the message.
    The following icons are displayed in Problems:






  • Columns Resource and Path provide the name and location of the object containing the rule violation.

  • Column Location indicates the line number within the associated object.

  • Column Reason for Suppressing indicates the reason why a warning has been suppressed.

Actions for Problems

Double-click a message that indicates a rule violation.
Result: The object opens within the editor and the position with the rule violation is displayed.

Opening the generated MRC-report

Double-click this message: Report for validation has been created. number error(s), number warning(s).
Result: The MRC-report is opened within a text editor.

Filtering messages

You can filter the view to show messages with a particular text only:

Enter the filter text into the box displayed above the columns and press the Enter-key.

Loading a MRC-report

Click  in the toolbar of the view.

In the dialog, select an already existing MRC-report and click Open.